Practice Areas

Practice Areas


Conveyancing and Real Estate Law

Land and real property are important investments. As such, we have primed ourselves to advise all our conveyancing and real estate clients; whether they be first–time homeowners, or multinational corporations searching for commercial developments.

We represent our clients in transactions which include the purchase, sale and leasing of commercial and residential lands and properties. We also guide them through the processes of developing building estates and the freehold purchase of tenantries.

We prepare and execute all documents required to complete the transactions we have mentioned. These documents typically include (but are not limited to) Agreements for Sale, Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, Releases and Requisitions on the Title.

Estate Law

Estate law encompasses how an individual’s estate is handled once she/he dies or becomes incapacitated. We consistently explore various estate planning options for our clients. These options include (but are not limited to) the drafting of advance healthcare directives (Living Wills), Powers of Attorney and Last Wills and Testaments.

We are knowledgeable and experienced with respect to obtaining Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration (or the resealing thereof) and other ancillary documents from the Registry of the Supreme Court of Barbados.

Commercial, Corporate and Company Law

Our clients routinely seek our counsel regarding the commercial activities of private and public sectors. We advise them on general and specific corporate and commercial matters, such as: amalgamation, conversion, dissolution and incorporation of private and public companies (together with the preparation and filing of the related documents); banking and finance; buyouts; corporate governance; joint ventures; mergers and acquisitions; partnerships; recapitalizations and restructurings.

Civil Procedure, Dispute Resolution and Litigation

We view litigation strictly as a last resort, considering our Court systems being weighed down by backlogged cases and numerous delays in their progression. In circumstances where litigation is the only choice to make, however, we advocate on our clients’ behalf in Court and other regulatory settings with the utmost dedication and legal competence.

We will, when appropriate, recommend that our clients at least consider settlement via an alternative dispute resolution mechanism, such as arbitration, mediation or negotiation.

Contract Law

A contract is a series of successful negotiations put in writing. We draft contracts geared towards safeguarding our clients’ interests and insulating them against risks, such as financial losses, or their receipt of a product or service that falls below a reasonable standard of quality.

We negotiate the formation of contracts, and review existing ones, to ensure that what our clients sign is equitable and not unreasonably disadvantageous to them.

Employment Law

Employment is never as simple as being hired and starting work. Once the work begins, personalities collide, and difficulties arise between employees and employers.

The employee/employer relationship is one where the former is particularly vulnerable. As an employee, one can be bombarded with lacklustre performance allegations, bullied and harassed, compelled to resign (constructive dismissal), made redundant, subjected to disciplinary proceedings, unfairly dismissed, etc.

Disputes related to employment are often volatile. They tend to call for an intermediary between the employee and the employer. We perform as that intermediary by utilizing our expertise with and knowledge of the laws which regulate employment practices.

Debt Collection

There are two sides to debt collection. On one side is the creditor, to whom money is due and owing. On the other side is the debtor, who owes money and is in debt.

We serve those on both sides. If you are a creditor, we can act on your behalf in the pursuit of debts owed to you (including litigation). If you are a debtor, we can offer legal assistance to you if you have found yourself in a financial quandary, are impecunious, or want to restructure your debt.

Family Law

We adopt a time–effective and sensitive approach towards improving the various qualities of life of our clients’ families… especially if their families include minor children.

We expedite matters involving adoptions, child custody, cohabitation, divorces, equitable distribution, marriages, parenting agreements, and so on. We are well – versed in justly resolving familial disputes (whether within or outside of Court), based on our clients’ legal rights. Our goal is to make family life as unproblematic and stress–free as possible.

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property law is the branch of law which entails granting exclusive legal rights to what are known as “creations of the mind,” as well as to their creators.

Intellectual property is a relatively recent legal development, the likes of which we help our clients understand per their requirements. Specifically, we specialize in addressing legal problems arising from copyright, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, and with enabling our clients to protect and exploit their intellectual property rights as they deem fit.

Personal Injury

The pain, suffering and loss of amenities flowing from a personal injury can be immense. They can adversely affect the employment, earning capacity, interpersonal relationships and other qualities of life of the victim and those closest to her/him.

The road to being made whole after a personal injury can be difficult to travel. We know how to traverse the legal process, which includes corresponding with insurance companies, assessing liability and quantum of damages, negotiating settlement offers, and litigation.