

DNB logo - wood.png

Dale Neblett-Brown and Associates, or DNB Associates, was established in 2018 by Dale C. Neblett-Brown, Queen’s Counsel, to provide clients with legal services of a remarkable standard.

We aim to:

  • create and maintain direct, honest and open relationships with our clients

  • give each matter entrusted to us the attention it deserves and requires

  • identify and focus on our clients’ legal issues thus empowering them to make informed decisions regarding the legal aspects of their endeavours

  • offer legally accurate and pragmatic counsel, with an alacrity that meets and surpasses our clients’ expectations


We at DNB Associates strive to be responsible businesspersons and to that end, we are constantly improving the efficiency with which we handle our affairs. This in turn enables us to serve our clients promptly and with the professionalism they deserve and expect.

Equality & Inclusion

We practice and preach equality, thus bringing a sense of humanity to the practice of law which, regrettably, is often absent nowadays.

Since we understand that it takes many parts to make a well-functioning whole, the courtesy, dignity and respect with which we treat everyone cultivates an atmosphere of equality and inclusivity from which all individuals can stand to benefit.


We will always conduct ourselves ethically, professionally and in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Legal Profession Code of Ethics 1988, Cap. 370A, of the Laws of Barbados.

Our rates for are also ethically set and are compliant with the rules which govern remuneration for attorneys–at–law for non–contentious business in Barbados.


Last but by no means least, we at DNB Associates define ourselves through our core values. These values act as a shining light, leading us to achieving and maintaining excellence for ourselves and our clients alike:

  • Cooperation

  • Equality

  • Honour

  • Industry

  • Respect

  • Service